here's gonna be a picture and various stuff |
Information About this Share a Caravan Ride Travel North America SiteThis site is intended as a means for travelers to hook up with those willing to share a ride, bed or couch in their caravan, while offering North American caravanners the means to save on gas costs and meet fellow travelers. It can also be used as a regular share a ride site, but preferably for travelers. Based on demand I may eventually add more cities to each state or province (I just didn't want the dropdown list to be too long, and it will require restructuring the form), and I can expand this database to other continents if there is interest. So far there is this one and one for Europe (link at the bottom of page).If you own a caravan you might be interested in my caravan survival tips, how to hook up electricity in a caravan, or internet connection while traveling. I'm pretty tech savvy and can get pretty creative with my survival, so hopefully you'll find something interesting and useful there. Through the flash presentation at the top you can link to my cheap travel Europe tour guide page if you'd like to hook up with me during my crazy travels, which you can read about on my travel stories. This is a much more interesting way to travel than by some standard bus tour. Those can be expensive and they'll always stop to feed you at some expensive greasy place where they probably get extra commission for bringing you there. My favourite is a more random approach, because this is how you can find the real jewels off the beaten track and discover the natural beauties of North America at your own pace. You can always jump onto the beaten track anytime you like, but I find it a great pleasure to wind randomly through the lovely nature of North America through the broad front window, rather than through the tinted glass of a tour bus. Not to mention a much better choice of music! Or park on a beach, go for a jog/swim, watch the sun go down and cook a fantastic meal right by the sea. The flexibility of this way of traveling makes it a much richer travel experience. Imagine finding a secluded lake somewhere, setting up the volleyball net, outdoor grill, write a note to back home while powered into the solar panels, or surf the internet to find some interesting places to visit. An autonomous, self contained unit in paradise. No bus tour will offer you anything like this. Soon I hope to set up a forum where travelers can post ads they are looking for a ride or seek out travel information in general. And where caravaners can do the same. Below I have compiled some links which I thought might be useful. If you have any suggestions feel free to contact me! Links to Other Share a Ride Travel Sites in North AmericaLinks to Caravan Sites in North AmericaSome Keywords Relating to Share a Caravan Ride Travel North AmericaWell, for you to enjoy this great website you'd have to find it, which requires getting it to the top of the search engines in the appropriate keywords, for which I needed to apply my robust search engine optimization skills and the following text shouldn't really be interesting for you to read but just a bunch of blabber with the right wording. So you can totally ignore this text below!But even in the US the population is relatively sparse compared to the total land area and it is easy to find majestic caravan drives through nature with not a soul in site. But with all the freaks who have crawled out of the woodworks in this new and crazy age, seems that the culture of hitch hiking and picking up hitch hikers, or ride sharing has subsided substantially from the old hippy days. Which is another benefit this site has to offer, because it gives those who own a caravan and who are willing to share a ride or pick up hitch hikers an opportunity to get to know the person first, before they share a ride with them. I guess one problem is that the average people who live and travel in a caravan might be older and not so interested in sharing a ride or picking up hitch hikers. I hope this might change with the internet and the ability to take one's work on the road, or live and work permanently in a caravan, like I have done. It's a wonderful gypsy lifestyle and I wouldn't want to crawl back into stinky city life ever again. People crammed into boxes called apartments, smelling each others' armpits on public transport during rush hour traffic, little nature and often dilapidated urban neighbourhoods splattered with graffiti - an expression of a frustrated youth who should really get out into nature for their peace of mind. One of Canada's great Prime Ministers started a program which would take troubled youth from urban communities and send them out into nature to build trails, learn how to canoe and build strong bonds with same-aged persons. Every year or my childhood I had the fortune of spending the summer in similar types of camps and I must say it had a very positive impact on my character development. I feel that, without this, I would have probably grown up a more frustrated individual and I can see how a childhood spent growing up in urban communities can lead to boredom, frustration, and eventually a life of crime. People flock to the cities for employment, but when I asked several people about their work, most agreed that they could do much of it at home. It would be good if there was some pressure or tax benefits to allow people to perform as much of their work at home and through the internet as they could. If this were possible people could go to work at different times and not have to compete so vociferously in rush hour traffic. Or perhaps they could spend a few days in the country, perhaps live in a caravan and share a ride or pick up hitch hikers like I do, and work productively in a stress-free environment before plunging back into the big city. I believe this would alleviate the stress of city life in general and hopefully lead to reduced crime. Of course, the frustrated community of criminals is often not the same lot who could find white collar work through which they could escape the stressful city life and work through the internet, but perhaps if many were able to get away from the city in small doses, they could come back, spread their more peaceful disposition, and be inspired to bring some of the country and nature into the dense cities. ![]() Another thing I didn't like about city life was the routine I inadvertently always seemed to settle into. Sure, it was nice to be active and have a full and productive schedule, but in the end it just felt like stagnation and I have really grown to appreciate the constant random elements I am forced to adjust to while traveling in a caravan and picking up the occasional hitch hiker to share with them a ride. Especially if you throw into that the opportunity to meet new people. And especially if those new people are of a different race from completely different cultural backgrounds. It has given me the opportunity to learn the perception of people from different parts of the world, which I found much more interesting than going over the same old grind and bar jokes. Sometimes though I'd pick up a hitch hiker, shared my ride and accommodation with them, but found it rather difficult to get rid of them (like Tommy the party preacher who I picked up in Montenegro). But even in spite of the rather traumatic difficulty of removing his presence from my royal caravan palace, I'd say the overall experience was hilarious, we had a great time together and he pointed me to some places I would have never gone on my own. In any case, I learned my lesson and before sharing my caravan and accommodation again I'd like to email with them a bit, check out their online profile, and party for an evening before heading out on the road together. On the other hand, one can never be careful enough, and the more careful you are the less adventure you'll have. But some balance and reason can be sensible. Therefore, ideally, I'd like to park my caravan in secluded nature during the week, and perhaps spend the weekend traveling around with new friends, sharing my ride with them and possibly even pick up more hitch hikers. It gets a bit hectic and difficult to work when I have guests, but I certainly do enjoy their company and learning from them. And I love the secluded, beautiful and peaceful nature in between. Other times I may befriend a local and decide I like a certain region and buckle down there for a while. Overall I'd say it's a great lifestyle and I hope to improve it by spicing it with more travel companions (with whom, you guessed it, I'd like to share a ride in my beautiful caravan). I guess one of my big problems is that I am not very gregarious, or a bit shy, so I find it more difficult to meet locals. But I'm fairly approachable so I end up depending on gregarious people to instead spark a conversation with me. And thus I have surrendered to spicing my travels with more fellow companions and hitch hikers by making websites such as these. A passive approach I guess, but one must do what they must do to improve the quality of their life in the direction that they want to, n'est pas? Hope you enjoyed reading my nonsense. |